Friday, April 25, 2008

Maybe I Didn’t Really Want to Know

For all my complaining last fall about not finding out where I was heading, I think I may have been better off not knowing. Eight days ago I found out where I’m going next and it’s completely consuming me. My mind is spinning with plans and excitement, and I’ve entirely lost interest in my current assignment. Senioritis at it’s finest.

My first reaction was relief at finding out so early; I mistakenly thought that knowing would prevent any anxiety and allow me to focus. There may not be any anxiety, but I am anything but focused.

And no, I’m not announcing where I’m going quite yet. Call me a tease if you must, but I’ve been asked to keep it quiet for a bit. If all goes according to plan, I should be able to talk freely by month’s end.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Top Ten Things I Learned Over a Long Weekend

10. That Heathrow experience isn't all it's cracked up to be
9. I look like someone who might be able to offer directions
8. I do not sound like someone who can offer credible directions in London
7. All you need to see the entire city is an Oyster card and a good pair of shoes
6. You can die of painful starvation waiting for table service
5. When it comes to footwear, comfortable is not the same as supportive
4. I can't actually afford anything in Harrod's outside the foodhalls, even when I'm treating myself
3. You aren't lost if you want to be right where you are
2. When you're on foot, it's always farther than it looks on the map


1. You might be lost if you're not quite sure how to get to where you planned to go, and it's raining

Find a few pictures of the things I saw here.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

This is What it Sounds Like When the Universe Laughs

Was I really so dumb as to announce that I felt that I had too much time on my hands?!? Oh, the foolishness . . .