I try to stay away from such bold declarations, but I think it may be deserved. I’m on day three in my new office in Connecticut. (For those of you who didn’t know . . . hey, I got a job in Connecticut!) I’m still getting acclimated, finding my way around, and sorting through the anomalies (e.g. is there a reason people don’t park in those empty spaces next to the door?). This afternoon I encountered something that I have to believe is not a regular occurrence.
This story takes place in the ladies room. Now, I have to mention that normally I wouldn’t discuss events that occur in restrooms under any circumstances; certainly not in mixed company. Yup, I was raised right.
I noticed as I entered the restroom that one stall was occupied. As I washed my hands, I happened to look in the mirror and see shoes. Nothing noteworthy there, right? Wrong. I saw shoes, not feet with shoes on them. There, toward the front of the closed stall, right where you’d expect, were two ladies pumps facing front. No feet or legs in sight.
About 45 seconds before that moment, I’d been in a rather negative state. But, the whole way back to my desk, I couldn’t stop laughing. Does anyone have any plausible explanation? Should I be worried about alien abductions?