My favorite pastime of late is packing avoidance. This weekend I indulged in such decadent things as reading a whole book in one day and squandering much time in front of the television. Sunday night I was vegging out and channel surfing, when I happened upon the pilot of a new drama. I found myself being pulled in by characters and story lines, and one of the characters bites the neck of a contractor and drains his blood.
Really? Another one of these?
I’ve clearly missed a major memo. While I’m all for the willing suspension of disbelief, this whole vampire/werewolf obsession that seems to be everywhere just isn’t my thing. My suspension of disbelief stops somewhere around the attractive man falling in love with the witty, yet frumpy, heroine. I have no interest in vampires, time travel, or magic potions. I am happy to cede the point that some of this stuff may be well written, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Does it?