There was a time in my life that I thought I was pretty smart. Sometime around ten years old, I discovered I was pretty good at math. What can I say? My brain responds well to boundaries; and nothing says boundaries like solving for “X.” Life has certainly given me my share of humbling experiences, but this week I heard a story that made me realize oh so vividly that I never was all that bright.
My boss has two sons. The twelve year old became upset that his ten-year old brother could solve a Rubik’s Cube faster than he could. His solution to this humiliating situation? He built a computer program / robot to solve a Rubik’s Cube. Um, yah. Did I mention he’s 12?
I’m now wondering if anything other than my thumbs differentiates me from the apes.
1 comment:
You're also a LOT less hairy than an ape...
Seriously, they sell computer and robot stuff everywhere these days. It's not like when we were kids, and had to deal with 5.25" floppies that would help us play Oregon Trail or teach us to type on a computer that had a green screen and no hard drive. Remember drawing with the turtle in 5th grade on the ancient Apple in Mr. Penney's class? How many turtles do you use now?
Just think, when these kids are our age, they'll be hitting the same kinds of quandaries as us. Maybe they won't even remember how to build a robot, just like I barely remember any calculus.
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