Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Double Standard

It is a law universally accepted that when it comes to female footwear, there is an inverse proportional relationship between cuteness and comfort. I haven’t gathered any formal data, but it seems to me that a whole bunch of my female commuting compatriots travel in flip-flops, sneakers, and ballet flats. I imagine that many of them pull a Mr. Rogers and change their shoes once they arrive at work, just like I do.

I hardly even notice what anyone is wearing on their feet. But this morning I noticed something, and then realized that I am a horrible hypocrite. There was a man standing on the train platform wearing a button-down shirt and nice slacks, and holding a briefcase. He was also wearing plastic flip-flops. And it was oh so wrong. I wear flip-flops with my dress clothes because the shoes that actually look appropriate with my work attire make it impossible for me to walk to the subway without some degree of pain. I’ve been under the (mistaken?) impression that men’s shoes proposed no such problem. Really, if I could wear loafers everyday, I wouldn’t need to have a drawer full of shoes at my desk. Am I just a hypocrite?


daria said...

I don't think you're a hypocrite - but I see flip flops on guys all the time, because I work in casual land.

I bet some city guys like to have air on their feet in the summer just like the gals do. :) Not my husband, who always wears socks and shoes, but less OCD folks...

Kelly said...

I never thought of the airing out the feet aspect.

I didn't have a problem with the flip-flops themselves, it was the combination that was a problem. On my first day of work in San Jose my boss was wearing cargo shirts and flip-flops. That was fine, because it all went together. I think it must have been the dressy attire / flip-flop combo that through me.

Anonymous said...

haha! Inverse proportional relationship indeed!! I cried when one of the heels broke on my only pair of comfy heels.

Kaija said...

I'm glad I'm a philosopher -- merells for hiking and working!

Kelly said...

K, one of the things I loved about my office in San Jose was the casual dress code. I think I wore flip flops for three months straight.

There are definitely days that I miss silicon valley.