Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Taking Time Off

Turns out I live in a pretty amazing place. Wouldn't you know that now that I'm leaving I've finally spent just enough time in the city to declare that I'm absolutely, head-over-heels in love with Manhattan.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

338 Days In Exile

It didn’t really hit me until I went back, but it’s been 11 months since I’ve been in California. My memory wasn’t wrong: the air really is softer there. But I’m not quite sure how I forgot Jacaranda trees (a lovely surprise) or lane splitting (a startling surprise). It does feel a little strange to be heading west again.

I’m happy to report that every time I go apartment hunting I’m a little wiser. This time around I ensured that I saw both an exact model of the available apartment I was investigating (not just the model that they show everybody), and the precise location within the complex. No more dubiously-named first-floor apartments for me. I’m sure there’s something I missed this time around, but at least the hot and cold water come out of the same tap. (I always double-check that one based on the less-than-ideal face-washing experiences of my first post-college apartment.) Who knows what San Jose will add to my list of items to watch out for?