Monday, June 21, 2010

Am I the Only One?

My favorite pastime of late is packing avoidance. This weekend I indulged in such decadent things as reading a whole book in one day and squandering much time in front of the television. Sunday night I was vegging out and channel surfing, when I happened upon the pilot of a new drama. I found myself being pulled in by characters and story lines, and one of the characters bites the neck of a contractor and drains his blood.

Really? Another one of these?

I’ve clearly missed a major memo. While I’m all for the willing suspension of disbelief, this whole vampire/werewolf obsession that seems to be everywhere just isn’t my thing. My suspension of disbelief stops somewhere around the attractive man falling in love with the witty, yet frumpy, heroine. I have no interest in vampires, time travel, or magic potions. I am happy to cede the point that some of this stuff may be well written, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Does it?

Friday, June 11, 2010

It’s Official

There have been many moments in my life that seemed to point to nerdiness. Several years on the math team come to mind. Or the fact that my books and CDs are alphabetized. Or that I know to the penny how much I’ve spent every single day for the last 11 years. Today I’ve taken it to a new level.

If all goes according to plan (and that’s a capital I, capital F), I’ll be moving in 13 days. The apartment I’m hoping to move into is approximately half the size of my current place. So, over the course of the last four weeks I’ve been donating, gifting, and posting on craigslist. (By the way, if you know of anyone looking for a patio table or a treadmill, let me know.) I think I’m down to an amount of stuff that will fit. Make that, I hope I’m down to an amount of stuff that will fit.

To test this theory out, I started creating different furniture configurations in my mind. Then I moved those configurations into PowerPoint. Then I measured my furniture to verify I had the dimensions right, and built a 1:25 scale drawing of the new apartment. None of the configurations seemed quite right, so I’ve now created a paper doll version of my scale model. My parents will be visiting this weekend, and I have every intention of putting my mother’s creative mind to work on my layout. I picture us having a lovely time rearranging paper cutouts on my scale floor plan until we have something that’s just right. Then, as I cut out little shadows of my furniture, it hit me.

I’m definitely a nerd.