Friday, January 29, 2010

Why Indeed

I’ve been thinking a lot about the summer of 2003 this last week. That July was the first time I remember hearing a song that has been recurring in the soundtrack of my life. It was a muggy night in San Diego, and Sarah and I had decided at the last minute to go to the outdoor concert. Over the next few months, the song became an anthem of sorts. I hear it now, and instantly I’m in my Subaru, heading south on 13th East in Salt Lake, trying to figure out how to get a job in Southern California; sometimes wondering what would happen if I just kept driving.

Before driving to Staten Island last weekend, I changed the CDs I’d had in my car for the last few months. On the way home, I found myself listening to this song that encapsulates my life yet again, drawn to it the same way I was six years ago. And I have to wonder, is it the song that brings these feelings flooding back, or am I drawn to this song because of what I’m feeling? I’m sure I’ve heard it in the years in between, but it hasn’t hit me the way it has this week.

Makes me think that this native is getting restless.

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