Monday, August 16, 2010

Is This Part of Christmas in July?

I mentioned some time ago that my employer is on a health kick. They’ve been on an eco kick even longer. They reduce their footprint; they develop resource-saving technologies; they turn off unnecessary lights. Why then, for the love of all that’s holy, is my office colder in August than it is in February?

This isn’t a trick question; I’m not located below the equator. And it’s not unique to this building. Every commercial structure I go in this time of year blasts me with air that feels fresh from the arctic. Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate Freon as much as the next girl. But, when the temperature inside makes my nose run, there’s something wrong.

I mentioned this to an angry old man that I work with, and he informed me that I should wear a sweater. Really? The daytime temperature here hasn’t been below 85 in weeks, yet I’m supposed to bundle up?

Survey says? Yes. Here I sit, wearing a hoodie over my lovely summer dress, to prevent the frostbite that would inevitably settle in otherwise. I can hardly wait for the snow to start falling so I can get warm.


Kaija said...

I feel you, sister! I'm glad I'm in control of my own climate working from home and that Santa Cruz doesn't believe in air or heat!

Kelly said...

K, I wasn't positive who you were until you commented on the Peanut Gallery! Silly, I know.

Oh, Santa Cruz, how I love and miss thee. Who needs heating or cooling when mother nature has taken care of it so beautifully?

daria said...

It was like that in my office for one blissful week last month. I think I was the only one on my hall that appreciated it - it's been about 10 degrees warmer (and quite a bit more humid) since. Pregnancy has given me a metabolism (or at least a lower tolerance for heat), and I'm all over the A/C this summer. And really, I don't get the overuse of A/C. It's ironic, the colder we make it indoors, the more it heats up outside. Unless they can make the air conditioners run off the heat created by air conditioner exhaust?

Kelly said...

I hadn't even thought of the indoor cooling making it warmer outside!

If there were one pregnant woman on my floor, I might feel better about the situation (I hear those little growing people inside cause major heat). But since there aren't, I'm going to continue to whine. :)

daria said...

Whine away - in a normal summer, I don't blame you one bit!! :D