Friday, January 11, 2008

For a limited time . . .

So the movers met me in Stamford a week ago, and despite my best efforts, it seems like I have just as much crap as I did when I landed in Georgia. Perhaps I can blame some of it on the thoroughness with which my belongings were packed, but, alas, I believe most of the blame lies in the fact that I own too much stuff.

The majority of my colleagues started this little adventure directly out of grad school . . . a.k.a. the inflatable furniture years. So, while moving is still tedious, I’m tempted to think that it’s harder for me. (“Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays.”) I was established. I had a home. I had a sectional. I still have the sectional (I think)—it just happens to be under a mountain of junk.

As far as the unpacking process goes, it’s much better if you don’t have any friends. Yes, I realize that sounds a little off. But trust me on this one. In Georgia, I was an organizing machine. The movers came on Thursday and by Sunday morning my apartment was completely set up, with everything in its place. This time the movers also came on Thursday: last Thursday. And, while my bed is set up, and the kitchen stuff is more or less put away, I have not yet identified a place for everything, let alone put everything in its place.

When I moved to Georgia, I didn’t know a soul there. Therefore, I had nothing better to do than unpack all day and night. On the contrary, I know a few people in Stamford (not the least of which is my roommate). And when it comes to getting stuff done, people = distractions. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Just know that if you’re planning a trip to hotel Kelly anytime soon, you might get to enjoy our new feature: the cardboard box maze. Hurry! Book now! Slots are filling up!

1 comment:

Mrs. Doyle said...

I know exactly what you mean about the unpacking process! All my friends were gone for the holidays when I switched apartments so there weren't any distractions. I hope I get to see hotel Kelly this round! When you first took this job I made it a goal of mine to come visit you in all four destinations no matter what! =)