Monday, May 05, 2008

Perhaps I Should Have Showed Up

Earlier this afternoon I ran into our CMO and he asked me if I would be attending the all marketing meeting today. I jokingly (of course it was jokingly, this is me) reminded him that I’m in business development for this rotation and I’m busy closing deals.

Fast forward an hour or two and I receive an instant message that says “Congrats!” I offer my thanks and then ask the obvious-to-me question, “Congrats for what?” As I discover through a series of IMs and emails, I received an award at the all marketing meeting. Apparently there were lots of nice things said about me. Lots of nice things that I didn’t hear because I had to be funny instead of asking if I should attend.

Let this be a lesson to you boys and girls . . . when people several pay grades above you invite you to a meeting, it’s best to show up. Trust me.


The Duncan Family said...

I am very curious where you are going next. I think you might need to tell soon.

Kelly said...

I think you're right!